Kiddo's OSHC Woodlake staff mobile 0480122088
Kiddo's OSHC Sunray staff mobile 0481256203
In a quality service, great importance is placed on the relationships between children and educators, and there should be many warm, friendly interactions between them, in which adults show respect for children. The educators work in partnership with families and the school to get to know the child in the context of their family, and the wider school community. There should be effective and ongoing exchanges of information between educators, families and, the child’s school, about their needs, routines and experiences.
In a quality service, these practices are most important:
children’s ideas, inputs and opinions are sought and valued within the development of the program
children are supported to interact fairly and respectfully with others, and to negotiate and resolve issues effectively
children are given appropriate and effective behaviour guidance strategies to help them regulate their own and other’s behaviour.
Resources are a key aspect of an OSHC environment, and there should be a variety of play and learning materials, equipment and resources, indoor and outdoor, for children to use in many ways. The materials should encourage children to explore, think and solve problems, as well as support children’s creativity and stimulate their curiosity.
Medical and dietary requirements
An important objective of the National Quality Framework is to ensure the safety, health and wellbeing of all children attending education and care services.
When a child who has a diagnosed health care need , allergy or relevant medical condition is enrolled at an education and care service additional requirements must be met to ensure that the child’s safety, health and wellbeing is protected.
Once the enrolment record has been completed it should be reviewed to identify whether the child has a diagnosed health care need, allergy or relevant medical condition, specific health care need, allergy or relevant medical condition diagnosed by a registered medical practitioner the service is required to obtain a copy of the child’s medical management plan from the child’s parent and develop and document a risk minimisation plan in consultation with the parents of the child. These plans should be in place prior to the child commencing at the service and be kept in the enrolment record for that child.
A medical management plan and risk minimisation plan must be prepared for every child who is enrolled who has a diagnosed health care need, allergy or relevant medical condition (regulation 90(1)(c)). A registered medical practitioner will have been consulted in the diagnosis and management of a diagnosed health care need, allergy or relevant medical condition.